

Today is quite a busy day for my colleague Yanling. I helped her in settling down the Mr. Ai's Bill for the client. Mr. Ai was quite angry when Yanling gave him the final bill for B company. He said the template she adpoted is wrong. And he insisted that the bill should be sent to client. Actually, Yanling made this bill based on the template he gave. The new template he gave Yanling had a new format in Excel. Actually, I didn't find it very difficult to transfer the former one into the new one. But it will really be a hard work for Yanling. I decided to help her. And in about half hour time, the new one is done. Then I prepared a email concerning the Internet Keyword registration for K company and sent it. It should be done by Yanling, but how can she do so with no knowledge of the Internet Keyword and Chinese Domain Name?

When all the work was done. Yanling and her husband invited me to have dinner with them. We have the Korean Well-Done Rice by Stone Pot. We chat one our jobs. All of us are not satisfied with our current status, and really hate the unfairness of salary level. Someone with less capability can earn almost the same money with us. They can chat online while we are having a heavy load of works. Yanling said her classmates in other law firm can have a salary of 8,000 Yuan/Month. In their firms, the firm will give them one month off for preparing the bar exam with salary. How can this be? We complained a lot. Final we concluded that you have to improve yourself and jump out of this ZY Partners. Only by doing so can you increase your salary.

I feel a great pressure no a days. I do hope I can pass this time. I am in great need of passing the bar exam. I can do it! Yes! I can do it!

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