
How to Get the Highest Discount of Airplane Ticket in China

Today, I fly from Beijing back to Xiamen. And I got a 20% off airplane ticket for this trip. Most of the people tell me that it would be impossible to get a discount before important holidays in China. But fact is not as the same as what they think.

Now, let me tell you the secret of getting the highest discount. You must keep in mind that the good discount can only be given one day before the flight. The night before the flight will be the time for the highest discount to appear. Usually, the airplane ticket agent is not working at that time. But do not worry about it, you can order the ticket from websites, such as Ctrip.com and Yoee.com. You can order the electronic ticket and pay through credit card online. And you don’t even have to get the hardcopy of the ticket, since going to the airport and get the boarding passport will be much convenient for you.

I will take my experience for example. Before 28th Sep, no discounted ticket for 29th was shown. But on the morning of 28th Sep, out of 6 flights from Beijing to Xiamen, 4 of them were granting discount. Among these 4 flights, three were in the morning, and one was late into the night. At noon, I found the night flight was granting 25% off. But I was not sure whether I can tomorrow since the work for me had not been done. Two hours late, that 25% off went off. I decided to wait. Around 6, my work was done and I look up the discount in Yoee.com and find a 25% off was granting the earliest morning flight. But this discount was not shown in Ctrip.com. Ten minutes later, Ctrip.com showed that discount. I quickly booked it up through Ctrip.com. And I believe that Yoee.com’s data for flight tickets are the most updated. Late into the night, I look up the tickets again and find a 30% was granted to the flight that I would take. I am a little bit regret. If I could keep waiting longer, I would save more money.


Tremble said...

Hey Giant, nice to see your new blog! Can you help me solve some wrapping text problems in my blog? :(



Tremble said...

Hi Giant,

I saw your msg. Thanks. I cannot tell you who I am here. But you should have a pretty good guess -- I'm your collegemate now in CA.

BTW, I've put you blog in my link page.

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