The Smallest Plane I've ever Taken

Cricket in the Hotel

Kaifeng is such an interesting city. There are many insects around and in the city. When I arrived at the Zhengzhou Airport and stepped into the car park, I saw the floor was covered by a layer of insect which I identify as Cricket.
The first night in Kaifeng, I heard the sound of Cricket from the intake. The next day, I did find a Cricket and quickly took a picture for it. You can see it at left. This is the first I see an insect in a three starred hotel.
I will go to Tianjin tomorrow, I do hope everything there will go on smoothly.
Shaolin Monastery

Yeah, I have an interesting thing today. I met my clients in an other case in Shaolin Temple. Their company arrange a tour for them. It is so fancy meeting them there.
My Places in Google Earth
The first stop is my university, University of International Business & Economics. This picture show the west gate of it. You can see a very clear "UIBE" on the grass land, which is made of some green plants.

Then I go to Jing'an Center where my office used to be.

The last stop is Kuntai International Plaze where my office is now.

Green Plant in Water

Last year when I moved to from my university dormitory to the newly rented apartment, a friend came by and gave me two green plants. It was said that simpling put them in the water can raise them up. It's the fact that these two plants grow up silently and final become two big ones.
I really find it fantastic that how can the plants grow by only absorbing the nutritions in water. I never expose them to the sun, but it seems that their Photosynthesis are quite good, since they grow quite well only by using the day light. It's really fantastic.
Shopping in Amazon

Today I finally get the book, Animal Crossing Player Guide, which I ordered from Amazon.com.
This order was placed in late June and was estimated to be arrived around 24th July. After the package was sent by DHL Global Mail, I found that the address I left is not so detailed which might lead to the lost of the book. The fact confirmed my worry. I did not get my stuff in the estimated arrival period.
I write to Amazon.com to enquire this issue. I got a long email explained what might had happened. At the end of that email, Amazon promised if the package did not arrived at 3rd August, it would resend me the book without any further charges. I feel quite satisfied with this email for this is the longest and best custom service letter I had ever got.
The book did not show up on 3rd August and the order is replaced for me based on my update address with no charges. To my surprise, Amazon leveled up my shipment from Standard International Mail to Expediture International Mail and it did not ask for the difference between these two standards. Amazon paid 8 dollars more for this level up. I am moved by Amazon's good faith. I do hope that one day every Chinese merchants can do like this.
Does Internet Keyword Worth Protection
The keyword service started from 3721.com, and it is called Internet Real Name at that time. It gives you a easy way to access to website by inputing a short Chinese phrase in the URL address of Internet Explorer. But this function needs you to install a plug-in. 3721.com authorize many agents to market this Internet Real Name. From that on, many companies' telephones and fax machines are filled with the Internet Real Name ads. 3721.com even pay lots of websites if the site successfully force the web surfer to install the plug-in. People on the net are irritated. They call the plug-in as scamp software, because it is installed without your approval. The CNNIC finds this a very attracting business opportunity and start to provide the Internet Keyword service which is quite similar with the Internet Real Name. CNNIC also adopts the same marketing method. The biggest problem for the surfers is that these two plug-ins are in conflict.
Most agents always tell you that your company's trademark is being applied to be registered as the Keyword, for your own interest, the agent has stopped the application and refer to you to confirm whether you will register or not. This is only a cunning trick that the agent allure you to register through them and they can not money by getting commision. Some companies may get frienghten since they mistakely believe the agent's word of the Keyword is as important as the domain name. My point is, this kind of service is not a internet standard and will not one day become a standard. The reason is that this service is not in complied with the root protocol of Internet. Any company can provide this service so long it has a plug-in software installed on the innocent's computer. The keyword can not be equivalent with the trademark and the domain name. I think keeping the company's dot com domain name is enough. Do not give your money to either CNNIC or Alibaba (Alibaba merger Yahoo China and Yahoo China merger the 3721.com).
Today is quite a busy day for my colleague Yanling. I helped her in settling down the Mr. Ai's Bill for the client. Mr. Ai was quite angry when Yanling gave him the final bill for B company. He said the template she adpoted is wrong. And he insisted that the bill should be sent to client. Actually, Yanling made this bill based on the template he gave. The new template he gave Yanling had a new format in Excel. Actually, I didn't find it very difficult to transfer the former one into the new one. But it will really be a hard work for Yanling. I decided to help her. And in about half hour time, the new one is done. Then I prepared a email concerning the Internet Keyword registration for K company and sent it. It should be done by Yanling, but how can she do so with no knowledge of the Internet Keyword and Chinese Domain Name?
When all the work was done. Yanling and her husband invited me to have dinner with them. We have the Korean Well-Done Rice by Stone Pot. We chat one our jobs. All of us are not satisfied with our current status, and really hate the unfairness of salary level. Someone with less capability can earn almost the same money with us. They can chat online while we are having a heavy load of works. Yanling said her classmates in other law firm can have a salary of 8,000 Yuan/Month. In their firms, the firm will give them one month off for preparing the bar exam with salary. How can this be? We complained a lot. Final we concluded that you have to improve yourself and jump out of this ZY Partners. Only by doing so can you increase your salary.
I feel a great pressure no a days. I do hope I can pass this time. I am in great need of passing the bar exam. I can do it! Yes! I can do it!
Lama Temple

Last week I visited Lama Temple. It is a temple and monastery of the Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism located in the northeastern part of Beijing. This is the pic that I took for Hall of the Heavenly Kings (Tian Wang Dian or Devaraja Hall)
I met the temple's official tour guide and followed him all the way. He is quite familiar with all the stories within this temple. Though I have been there for several time, but I find this time the best interesting.
After I returned from the temple, I visit Wikipedia Chinese version and edit a more detailed one for Lama Temple. The pic you see here is also uploaded to Wikipedia.
First in Blogger

Blogger is such a famous blog service provider. This is the first article that I write by using blogger.
I post the photo I took in Bamboo Sea in Yibin city. This is called the Jade Corridor. I find it very beautiful.
I am now preparing for my bar exam. I do hope I can pass this year. God bless me. I went to Lama temple last weekend to beg for Buddha's bless.
I was quite lucky that I met a professional guy in that temple who give me a detailed introduction of Lama Temple. This is mystery place.